seeing the world as poki sees it!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Thanks for continuing to visit ...

I can't believe that a month has gone by since I last posted here - I have been extremely "busy" just sitting around. My mom had hip replacement surgery on July 15, and my time is consumed with being with her, and helping in her recovery. I haven't taken many pictures, and have edited almost none of them!

Mike's family is having a "photo contest" - pix of food, so I searched back to find something to show:

My first post - This is NOT a flower. Can you guess what it is?

The family guessed - a few reported they were skeptical of others answers, and it really IS a

carved watermelon on the "Midnight Buffet" of the cruise I took in 2004! The layout of the food was amazing and the photo ... color is good, placement alright, looks appetizing! Makes me hungry for watermelon. (I have some in the refrigerator, compliments of my neighbors Karen and George, we always share!)